
Showing posts with the label Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Review: Your Friendly Neighborhood Masterpiece

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Review: Your Friendly Neighborhood Masterpiece

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Review: Your Friendly Neighborhood Masterpiece Marvel’s Spider-Man 2  isn’t just a video game about superheroes. It’s an opportunity to live in Spider-Man’s shoes, and gallivanting around New York City with the most satisfying web-shooting and wall-crawling abilities of any  Spider-Man  game ever made is an experience you shouldn’t miss. I will never forget slinging my first web after the opening scene of  Marvel’s Spider-Man  back in 2018. When Peter Parker jumped out of his apartment window in Manhattan and passed me full control of Spider-Man, my mind was blown. Web-slinging across the city felt more tactile and incredible than in any other Spider-Man game before it, and I finished the game convinced that it was one of the best I’d ever played. The narrative was gripping, the voice actors were cast perfectly, and the bombastic, slow-motion combat moments truly made me feel like a badass superhero. Now that  Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 ...