
Showing posts with the label Action Movies Like 'Extraction 2' Deserve to Be Seen in Theaters

Action Movies Like 'Extraction 2' Deserve to Be Seen in Theaters

Action Movies Like 'Extraction 2' Deserve to Be Seen in Theaters Sam Hargrave’s Extraction 2, the sequel to the surprisingly fun though abundantly flawed action film that was Extraction, is all about getting to the next extended fight sequence or shootout. Starring Chris Hemsworth as the goofily named Tyler Rake and held together with a story that is about as sturdy as chewing gum, it is an imperfect film that still taps into silly spectacle when it tosses all its more plodding elements aside. For every moment you may roll your eyes at the wooden dialogue that feels like the actors are reading it for the first time, you can’t help but smile at the spectacle that plays out before you. If only it could have also been seen on the big screen rather than just being the modern version of a straight-to-TV movie. In what is by no means a recent trend, Extraction 2 is the latest film to be relegated primarily to streaming on Netflix when it would have benefited from an actual theatri...